Teaching at Cornell

I have been a teaching assistant (TA) for many courses, leading discussion sections and labs, holding office hours, and grading homework, quizzes, and exams. Though I have taught at all levels - introductory, upper-level undergraduate, and graduate - I tend to prefer teaching introductory courses.
Spring '14: PHYS 2213 - Physics II: Electromagnetism
This is the second of a three-course introductory series, mainly for engineering, applied & engineering physics (AEP), and some science majors. (Two sections, one lab; instructor: David Kornreich)
Fall '13: PHYS 3327 - Advanced Electricity and Magnetism
This is the most advanced course in electromagnetism for undergraduate physics majors, at the level of Heald & Marion. (Instructor: Maxim Perelstein)
Spring '13: PHYS 2213 - Physics II: Electromagnetism
(Two sections, one lab; instructor: Phil Krasicky)
Fall '12: PHYS 6572 - Quantum Mechanics I
This was the first semester in the graduate-level QM series, mainly for first-year graduate students in physics, AEP, and astronomy. (Instructor: James Sethna) [website]
Spring '12: PHYS 3316 - Basics of Quantum Mechanics
This was the first semester in the three-course QM series for undergraduate physics majors, approximately equivalent to the first half of Griffiths. (Two sections; instructor: Mukund Vengalattore)
Fall '11: PHYS 6572 - Quantum Mechanics I
Sakurai-based QM. (Instructor: David Rubin) [website]
Spring '11: PHYS 2214 - Physics III: Oscillations, Waves, and Quantum Physics
This was the third of a three-course introductory series, mainly for engineering, AEP, and some science majors. (Two sections, one lab; instructor: Csaba Csáki)
Fall '10: PHYS 2213 - Physics II: Heat and Electromagnetism
Back in the day, the introductory series covered thermodynamics in the second course. (Two sections, one lab; instructor: Robert Fulbright)
Spring '10: PHYS 1112 - Physics I: Mechanics
This was the first of a three-course introductory series, mainly for engineering, AEP, and some science majors. (Two sections, one lab; instructor: Andre LeClair)
Fall '09: PHYS 2213 - Physics II: Heat and Electromagnetism
(One section, three labs; instructor: Henry Tye)